Repaso al estado del arte de los yacimientos, su exploración y el aprovechamiento de los recursos geotérmicos en el mundo
La universidad californiana de Stanford celebra entre los días 24 y 26 de febrero próximo su 39º taller anual sobre geotermia, en el que hace un repaso general al estado del arte de esta energía renovable. Se adjunta el programa provisional y algunos de los papers disponibles. El evento reúne a ingenieros, científicos y gestores de todo el mundo que participan en estudios de yacimientos y proyectos geotérmicos. Pretende ser un fórum para intercambiar ideas sobre exploración, desarrollo y aprovechamiento de los recursos geotérmicos.
Los temas a debatir se concentran en:
- Casos de estudio: respuesta de los yacimientos a la producción, los efectos de inyección y características de la ampliación.
- Sistemas geotérmicos estimulados (EGS): actividades actuales y futuras
- Técnicas de ingeniería: simulación de yacimientos, métodos empíricos, tests y trazadores
- Gestión de campo: estrategias para la explotación, inyección.
- Exploración: geofísica, geoquímica, geología, estudios de flujo de calor, salidas
- Perforación de pozos y flujos: modelado de flujo de estimulación, pozos, hidro-fractura, escalamiento
- Sistemas de baja entalpía: aplicaciones de bombas de calor, tecnología de roca seca caliente
- Ciencias de la Tierra: aplicación de la geofísica, geoquímica, la termodinámica y la mecánica de fluidos.
Las presentaciones se podrán solicitar en la dirección siguiente:
Más información en : Programa Lunes, 24 de febrero de 20 08:30 am Sesión 1: Apertura (1) DOE Geothermal Technology Program Overview 2014, Douglas HOLLETT (2) JASON Review of Enhanced Geothermal Systems, Raymond JEANLOZ and Howard STONE (3) How to Use the National Geothermal Data System (NGDS) and NGDS Node Deployment, David CUYLER, Arlene ANDERSON, Kim PATTEN 10:15 am BREAK 10:45 am Sesión 2(A): EGS 1 (4) Utilization of Stimulation Technology in Conventional Resources – An Economic Analysis, Matt UDDENBERG, Trenton CLADOUHOS, Susan PETTY, Yini NORDIN, Michael SWYER (5) Australian Experiences in EGS Permeability Enhancement – A Review of Three Case Studies, Betina BENDALL, Adrian LARKING, Robert HOGARTH and Peter REID (6) Thermal Stimulation and Injectivity Testing at Raft River, ID EGS Site, Jacob BRADFORD, John MCLENNAN, Joseph MOORE, Mary OHREN, William L. OSBORN, Robert PODGORNEY (7) Imaging the Newberry EGS Site Using Seismic Interferometry, Eric MATZEL, Dennise TEMPLETON, Anders PETERSSON, Meredith GOEBEL 10:45 am Sesión 2(B): RESERVOIR ENGINEERING 1 (8) A Study on the Production and Reservoir Performance of the Germencik Geothermal Field, O. Inanc TUREYEN, Hulya SARAK, Abdullah GULGOR, Bayram ERKAN, Abdurrahman SATMAN (9) Application for Practical Gravity Monitoring Using a Portable Superconducting Gravimeter, Mituhiko SUGIHARA, Kazunari NAWA, Tsuneo ISHIDO, Nobukazu SOMA, Ayumu MIYAKAWA, and Yuji NISHI (10) Applications of Experimental Design and Response Surface Method in Probabilistic Geothermal Resource Assessment – Preliminary Results, Jaime Jose QUINAO, Sadiq ZARROUK (11) Well Placement Optimization for Maximum Energy Recovery from Hot Saline Aquifers, Esmail ANSARI, Richard HUGHES, Christopher D. WHITE 10:45 am Sesión 2(C): GENERAL 1 — International (12) Re-Designing and Integrating National into Regional Geothermal Development Strategies to Increase Electric Energy for Economic and Social Transformation, Godfrey BAHATI and Ralph K. B. NYAKABWA-ATWOKI (13) Feed-In Tariff for Indonesia’s Geothermal Energy Development – Current Status and Challenges, Madjedi HASAN and Anton WAHJOSOEDIBJO (14) Methodology of Determination of Geothermal Potential, Elemer BOBOK, Aniko TOTH, Peter SZUCS, Zoltan FEJES (15) Geothermal Springs at Wairakei; Lessons for Future Developers, Sophie MILLOY, Juliet NEWSON, Fabian SEPULVEDA 10:45 am Sesión 2(D): GEOPHYSICS 1 (16) Micro-Seismicity and Seismic Moment Release Within the Coso Geothermal Field, California, J. Ole KAVEN, Stephen H. HICKMAN, Nicholas C. DAVATZES (17) Seismicity and Subsidence: Examples of Observed Geothermal Deformation Synergies from New Zealand, Chris BROMLEY (18) Characterization, Monitoring and Mapping of Micro Seismic Events using Long Borehole Seismic Arrays, Bjorn PAULSSON, Ruiqing HE (19) An Investigation of the Microseismicity at the Newberry EGS Site, Dennise TEMPLETON, Gardar JOHANNESSON, Stephen MYERS 12:30 pm LUNCH 01:30 pm Sesión 3(A): EGS 2 — Nevada (20) InSAR Measurements and Numerical Models of Deformation at Brady Hot Springs Geothermal Field (Nevada), 1995-2013, S Tabrez ALI, Nicholas C DAVATZES, Robert J MELLORS, William FOXALL, Peter S DRAKOS, Erza ZEMACH, Corne KREEMER, Herbert F WANG, Kurt L FEIGL (21) Modeling Controlled Hydraulic Stimulation of Desert Peak EGS Well 27-15 Using a Coupled Thermal-Hydrological-Mechanical Simulator, Sharad KELKAR, David DEMPSEY, Stephen HICKMAN, Nicholas DAVATZES, Daniel MOOS, and Ezra ZEMACH (22) Development of a Rigorously Coupled, Open-Source THM Simulator and Examination of Shear Stimulation at Desert Peak Geothermal Field, Joshua TARON, Stephen HICKMAN, Steve INGEBRITSEN, Colin WILLIAMS (23) Desert Peak EGS T-H-M Model: Reservoir Response and Transmissivity Evolution Investigated Through TFReact, Stefano BENATO 01:30 pm Sesión 3(B): GEOPHYSICS 2 (24) Development and Test of a 300°C Borehole Seismic System, Björn PAULSSON, Julio TOKO, Jon THORNBURG, Frank SLOPKO, Ruiqing HE, Paul GREENE (25) Geophysical Investigations of the Geologic and Hydrothermal Framework of the Pilgrim Springs Geothermal Area, Alaska, Jonathan M.G. GLEN, Darcy K. MCPHEE, Paul A. BEDROSIAN (26) Monitoring Geothermal Activity at Aso Volcano, Japan, After Small Eruption in May 2011, Yayan SOFYAN, Jun NISHIJIMA, Yasuhiro FUJIMITSU, Shin YOSHIKAWA, Tsuneomi KAGIYAMA, Takahiro OHKURA (27) High Temperatures Predicted in the Granitic Basement of Northwest Alberta – an Assessment of the EGS Energy Potential, Jacek MAJOROWICZ, Greg NIEUWENHUIS, Martyn UNSWORTH, Jordan PHILLIPS and Rebecca VERVEDA 01:30 pm Sesión 3(C): TRACERS 1 (28) Modelling Temperature-Time Tracers for Projecting the Thermal Futures of Geothermal Reservoirs, Morgan AMES and Roland HORNE (29) The Use of Amino G as a Thermally Reactive Tracer for Geothermal Applications, Peter ROSE, Scott CLAUSEN, and Jess MCCULLOCH (30) Ability of Thermo-Sensitive Tracers for Precisely Estimating System Temperatures in Non-Isothermal Column Experiments, Friedrich MAIER, Mario SCHAFFER, Tobias LICHA (31) Characterization of Mass/Heat Transfer in Fractured Geothermal Reservoirs Using Mathematical Model of Complex Dynamical System, Anna SUZUKI, Yuichi NIIBORI, Sergei A. FOMIN, Vladimir A. CHUGUNOV, Toshiyuki HASHIDA 01:30 pm Sesión 3(D): GENERAL 2 — Cataloging Geothermal Data (32) DOE Geothermal Data Repository – Tethering Data to Information, Jon WEERS, Arlene ANDERSON (33) The State of California’s GeoSteam Database and Digital On-line Mapping System (DOMS), Joseph A. AUSTIN (34) A New Geothermal Play Type Catalog: Streamlining Exploration Decision Making, Inga S. MOECK, Graeme BEARDSMORE (35) Geothermal Exploration Case Studies on OpenEI, Katherine YOUNG 03:15 pm BREAK 03:45 pm Sesión 4(A): EGS 3 (36) CO2 as a Working Fluid in Geothermal Power Plants: Comparison of Recent Studies and Future Recommendations, Waqas AHMED, Adil JAVED (37) Thermal Performance of Directional Wells for EGS Heat Extraction, Elena KALININA, Teklu HADGU, Katherine KLISE, Thomas LOWRY (38) Economic Valuation of Directional Wells for EGS Heat Extraction, Thomas S. LOWRY, Elena KALININA, Teklu HADGU, Katherine A. KLISE 03:45 pm Sesión 4(B): RESERVOIR ENGINEERING 2 (39) An Experimental Study of Thermal and Hydraulic Geothermal Reservoir Stimulation of Brittle Impermeable Material, Seth L. CRAIG, Ahmad GHASSEMI, Kent S. UDELL, John MCLENNAN, Joseph MOORE (40) Parallel Simulation of Thermal-Hydrological-Mechanical (THM) Processes in Geothermal Reservoirs, Shihao WANG, Yi XIONG, Phil WINTERFIELD, Yu-Shu WU (41) A New Analytical Solution for the Motion of a Two-Phase Interface in a Tilted Porous Medium, Pietro COLLA (42) Active CO2 Reservoir Management: Effects of Cyclic Injection, Variable Production Rate and Well Spacing, Waqas AHMED, Adil JAVED 03:45 pm Sesión 4(C): GEOPHYSICS 3 (43) Maximizing EGS Earthquake Location Accuracies, Gillian FOULGER, Bruce JULIAN (44) Joint Inversion Modeling Algorithm of Geothermal Prospects, R. J. MELLORS, A. TOMPSON, K. DYER, X. YANG, M. CHEN, W. TRAINOR-GUITTON, and A. RAMIREZ (45) Application of Low Amplitude Seismic Emission Analysis to Evaluation of Hydrothermal Fractures Underlying the Western Flank of Newberry Volcano, Oregon, Al WAIBEL and Zach FRONE (46) Value of Information Assessment using Calibrated Geothermal Field Data, Whitney TRAINOR-GUITTON, Michael HOVERSTEN, Egill JULIUSSON, Abelardo RAMIREZ, Jeff ROBERTS, Robert MELLORS 03:45 pm Sesión 4(D): GENERAL 3 (47) Review of H2S Abatement Methods in Geothermal Plants, Esteban RODRIGUEZ, William Scott HARVEY, Einar Jón ÁSBJÖRNSSON (48) Cooling System for Borehole Tools, Benedict HOLBEIN, Jörg ISELE, Luigi SPATAFORA (49) Geothermal Development: Challenges in a Multiple Access Scenario, Sam MALAFEH, Basil SHARP (50) Comprehensive Studies on Hole Cleaning and ECD Management in Long Extended-Reach Geothermal Well Drilling, Shigemi NAGANAWA, Takashi OKABE
Tuesday 25th February 2014 08:30 am Sesión 5(A): EGS 4 — Induced Seismicity (51) Geomechanical Modeling of Induced Microseismicity in Enhanced Geothermal Systems, Reza SAFARI, Ahmad GHASSEMI (52) Monitoring of Induced Seismicity Using Time-dependent Seismic Hazard Analysis, Nitin SHARMA, Vincenzo CONVERTITO, Nils MAERCKLIN, Antonio EMOLO, Aldo ZOLLO, and Giovanni IANNACONE (53) Validating Forecasting Models for Induced Seismicity Related to Deep Geothermal Energy Projects, Eszter KIRÁLY, Dimitrios KARVOUNIS, Valentin GISCHIG, Stefan WIEMER (54) Micro-earthquake Observation Results in Ogachi HDR Project, Hideshi KAIEDA 08:30 am Sesión 5(B): MODELING 1 (55) Stress-Permeability Relationships in Low Permeability Systems: Application to Shear Fractures, Carla CO and Roland HORNE (56) Hierarchical Fracture Modeling Approach for Leakoff and Heat Transfer in Dynamic Fracture Systems, Jack NORBECK, Hai HUANG, Rob PODGORNEY, Roland HORNE (57) Modeling of Failure Along Predefined Planes in Fractured Reservoirs, Rajdeep DEB, Patrick JENNY (58) Investigating Technical Feasibility of Using Horizontal Well Arrays with Staged-Fracturing for The Development of Engineering Geothermal Systems, Pengcheng FU, Yue HAO, Charles R. CARRIGAN 08:30 am Sesión 5(C): RESERVOIR ENGINEERING 3 (59) Pulsating Flow and Transport in Fractured and Porous Media, Souheil EZZEDINE, Oleg VOROBIEV and Fredric RYERSON (60) Temperature Regime of Boreholes: Cementing of Production Liners, Izzy KUTASOV, Lev EPPELBAUM (61) Sensitivity Analysis, Parameter Estimation and Uncertainty Propagation in a Numerical Model of the Ngatamariki Geothermal Field, New Zealand, Hyungsul MOON, Jonathon CLEARWATER, Peter FRANZ, Irene WALLIS and Lutfhie AZWAR (62) Analysis of Opening and Closing of Fracture with Local Seismicity, in the Exploitation of Los Humeros Geothermal Field, Mexico, Edgar URBAN, José LEZAMA, and Javier LERMO 08:30 am Sesión 5(D): GEOPHYSICS 4 (63) Imaging Steeply-Dipping Fault Zones Using a Novel Least-Squares Reverse-Time Migration Method, Sirui TAN, Lianjie HUANG (64) Hypocentric Relocations Aided by Virtual Receivers Constructed via Seismic Interferometry?, Franklin G HOROWITZ, Larry D. BROWN (65) Imaging Steeply-Dipping Fault Zones Using Elastic Reverse-Time Migration with a Combined Wavefield-Separation and Poynting-Vector Imaging Condition, Ting CHEN and Lianjie HUANG (66) The Geomaterials Fracture by thermal Process, Muhammad YASEEN, Jaouad ZEMMOURI, Isam SHAHROUR 10:15 am BREAK 10:45 am Sesión 6(A): EGS 5 (67) CO2-Activated Rheoreversible Hydraulic Fracturing Fluids for Enhanced Geothermal Energy Production, Carlos A. FERNANDEZ, Hun Bok JUNG, Senthil KABILAN, David J. HELDEBRANT, Alain BONNEVILLE, David HOYT, Lirong ZHONG, Tamas VARGA, Kenneth C. CARROLL (68) Proppant Behavior Under Simulated Geothermal Reservoir Conditions, Clay JONES, Stuart SIMMONS and Joesph MOORE (69) Technological Validity of New EGS Designs and Estimation of Effects of Proppant and Multiple Stages, Sogo SHIOZAWA, Mark MCCLURE 10:45 am Sesión 6(B): MODELING 2 (70) Discrete Element Modeling of Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical Coupling in Enhanced Geothermal Reservoirs, Azadeh RIAHI, Branko DAMJANAC, Jason FURTNEY (71) Optimization of Re-Injection Allocation in Geothermal Fields Using Capacitance-Resistance Models, Serhat AKIN (72) Modeling the Deep Roots of Geothermal Systems, Lilja MAGNUSDOTTIR (73) Coupling between Temperature, Solute Transport and Porosity Changes in a Geothermal Reservoir, Carina BRINGEDAL, Inga BERRE, Florin RADU 10:45 am Sesión 6(C): FIELD STUDIES 1 (74) Geothermal Investigation using Rare Earth Element Data from a Blind Geothermal System at Soda Springs, Idaho, Travis L. MCLING, William SMITH, Robert W. SMITH (75) Outcrop Analogue vs. Reservoir Data: Characteristics and controlling Factors of Reservoir Properties of the Upper Jurassic geothermal Carbonate Reservoirs of the Molasse Basin, Germany, Sebastian HOMUTH, Ingo SASS (76) Formation Pressure as an Indicator of High Stratigraphic Permeability, Rick ALLIS 10:45 am Sesión 6(D): GEOLOGY 1 (77) Conceptual Model for Snake River Plain Geothermal Systems Based on Slim-Hole Exploration at Mountain Home, Idaho, Dennis L. NIELSON, John W. SHERVAIS (78) The Blackfoot Volcanic Field, Southeast Idaho: A Hidden High-Temperature Geothermal Resource in the Idaho Thrust Belt, John WELHAN, Mark GWYNN, Suzette PAYNE, Michael McCURRY, Mitchell PLUMMER and Thomas WOOD (79) Implications of Structural and Tectonic Setting on Permeability, Fluid Flow, and Heat Extraction in the Snake River Plain, Alex MOODY, Cary LINDSEY (80) Preliminary Results of Deep Geothermal Drilling and Testing on the Island of Montserrat, Paul BROPHY, Bastien POUX, Gene SUEMNICHT and Paul HIRTZ 12:30 pm LUNCH 01:30 pm Sesión 7(A): EGS 6 — Modeling (81) Heat Extraction Performance of Enhanced Geothermal Systems with Multiple Wells, Fangming JIANG, Jiliang CHEN (82) Numerical Studies of Combined Shallow and Deep Geothermal Systems, Patrick JENNY, Dimitrios KARVOUNIS (83) Diagnosing Stimulation Mechanism in EGS with Pressure Transients, Mark MCCLURE (84) Development of a 3D Hydrogeological and Geomechanical Model of an Enhanced Geothermal System Using Microseismic and Ground Deformation Data from a 1-year Injection Program, Pierre JEANNE, Jonny RUTQVIST, Donald VASCO, Julio GARCIA, Patrick F. DOBSON, Mark WALTERS, Craig HARTLINE, Andrea BORGIA 01:30 pm Sesión 7(B): MODELING 3 (85) 3D-Model of the Deep Geothermal Potentials of Hesse (Germany) for Enhanced Geothermal Systems, Kristian BÄR and Ingo SASS (86) Thermal-Hydrodynamic-Mechanical Modeling of the Subsidence During Exploitation of the Mutnovsky Geothermal Field, Kamchatka, Alexey KIRYUKHIN, Jonny RUTQVIST, Mefody MAGUSKIN (87) Heat Flow and Thermal Models from Newberry Volcano, Oregon, Zachary FRONE, David BLACKWELL (88) Progress in Understanding the Geothermal Sedimentary Basins in Northeastern Morocco, Alae-Eddine BARKAOUI, Yassine ZARHLOULE, Massimo VERDOYA, Vincenzo PASQUALE, Hamid Lahrach 01:30 pm Sesión 7(C): FIELD STUDIES 2 (89) A New Experimental Procedure for Formation Damage Assessment in Geothermal Wells, Alexander BADALYAN, Themis CARAGEORGOS, Zhenjiang YOU, Ulrike SCHACHT, Pavel BEDRIKOVETSKY, Chris MATTHEWS, Martin HAND (90) Exploration Drilling and Technology Demonstration at Fort Bliss, Ben BARKER, Joe MOORE, Marylin SEAGALL, Greg NASH, Jon LEAR (91) Geothermal Well Database Design and Analysis, Chad AUGUSTINE, Greg MINES, Anthony LOPEZ (92) Wairakei Geothermal Field Boundary Revised using Geophysics and Reservoir Data, Fabian SEPULVEDA, Christine SIEGA 01:30 pm Sesión 7(D): GEOCHEMISTRY 1 (93) Fluid Geochemistry of the Surprise Valley Geothermal System, Carolyn CANTWELL, Andrew FOWLER (94) Geochemistry of the North Western Algerian Geothermal System, Mohamed BELHAI, Yasuhiro FUJIMITSU, Fatima Zohra BOUCHAREB-HAOUCHINE, Tatsuto IWANAGA and Masami NOTO. (95) Hydrogeochemical Characterization and the Origin of Hot Springs in the Cidanau Geothermal Field, West Java, Indonesia, Boy Yoseph CSS SYAH ALAM, Ryuichi ITOI, Sachihiro TAGUCHI, and Rie YAMASHIRO 03:15 pm BREAK 03:45 pm Sesión 8(B): MODELING 4 (96) Efficiency Comparison Between Horizontal and Vertical Mist Separators, Ali BAKHSHINEJAD, Magnús Þór JÓNSSON, Halldór PÁLSSON (97) Effect of Different Inlet Configuration on Mist Separators Efficiency, Ali BAKHSHINEJAD, Magnús Þór JÓNSSON, Halldór PÁLSSON (98) Temperature Distribution in the Circulating Drilling Mud, Aniko TOTH, Elemer BOBOK, Janos ZSUGA (99) A Set of New Correlations for the Compressibility of Two-phase Water and for the Steam Z Factor in a Wide Thermodynamical Range, Mario César SUÁREZ ARRIAGA and Fernando SAMANIEGO VERDUZCO 03:45 pm Sesión 8(C): LOW TEMPERATURE 1 (100) Simulation of Hybrid Solar-Geothermal Heat Pump Systems, Andrew CHIASSON and Cy YAVUZTURK (101) Experimental and Computational Determination of Optimal Distance Between Boreholes, Ahmet GULTEKIN, Murat AYDIN, Altug SISMAN (102) Long Term Performance Prediction of a Borehole and Determination of Optimal Thermal Response Test Duration, Murat AYDIN, Altug SISMAN, Ahmet GULTEKIN 03:45 pm Sesión 8(D): GEOCHEMISTRY 2 (103) Experimental Determination of Chlorite Dissolution Kinetics at Geothermal Conditions, Megan M. SMITH, Susan A. CARROLL (104) Change in Permeability of Porous Medium in Silica Scaling Experiment under Different pH and Suspended Particle Concentration, Loren TUSARA, Ryuichi ITOI, Daisuke FUKUDA, and Yoshitaka KAWAHARA (105) Preliminary Assessment of Fluid Mineral Equilibria in Thermal Waters from Sedimentary Formations: Implications for Geothermal Resources, Stuart SIMMONS
Miércoles 26 de febrero de 2014 08:30 am Sesión 9(A): EGS 7 (106) Sheared Fracture Conductivity, Ravindra BHIDE, Tyler GOHRING, John MCLENNAN, Joseph MOORE (107) Strain Measurement of Geological Samples Subjected to Triaxial Stresses Experienced During Hydraulic Fracture, Yarom POLSKY, Ke AN, Larry ANOVITZ and Luc DESSIEUX (108) Discrete Fracture Network Simulations of Enhanced Geothermal Systems, Thomas DOE, Robert MCLAREN, and William DERSHOWITZ (109) EGS Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Assessment with 3-D Discrete Fracture Modeling, Dimitrios KARVOUNIS, Gischig, VALENTIN, Stefan WIEMER 08:30 am Sesión 9(B): MODELING 5 (110) Modelling of Rock-Water Thermal Interaction in Different Scales, Milan HOKR, Tomas STRAKA, VITA Project Team (111) Numerical Simulation on Fluctuation in Wellhead Pressure of Geothermal Well, Haruhiro INAGAKI, Ryuichi ITOI, Naoto KUMAGAI, Takaichi IWASAKI (112) A Comprehensive Model for Simulating Operational Wells for Heat Mining from Porous and Fractured Subsurface Reservoirs, Souheil EZZEDINE, William BOURCIER and Fredric RYERSON (113) Temperature Behavior of Geothermal Wells During Production, Injection and Shut-in Operations, Kaan KUTUN, Omer Inanc TUREYEN, Abdurrahman SATMAN 08:30 am Sesión 9(C): GENERAL 4 (114) Induced Seismicity of the Paradox Valley Brine Injection, Corinne BACHMANN, William FOXALL, Thomas DALEY (115) Worldwide Power Density Review, Maxwell WILMARTH (116) Systematic Energy Life-Cycle Assessment on Perceptions of Efficiency with Non-technical Shareholders, Christopher RICHARD, Greg MINES, Jay NATHWANI (117) Seismostatistical Characterization of Earthquakes from Geothermal Reservoirs, Hiroshi ASANUMA, Tai ETO, Masaho ADACHI, Kazuhiro SAEKI, Kengo AOYAMA, Hitoshi OZEKI, Markus HARING 08:30 am Sesión 9(D): GEOLOGY 2 (118) Impacts of Diagenesis on a Reservoir Quality in a Sedimentary Geothermal Play, Antoine DILLINGER, Cameron HUDDLESTONE-HOLMES, Horst ZWINGMANN, Ludovic RICARD, Lionel Esteban (119) Rock Properties of Greywacke Basement Hosting Geothermal Reservoirs, New Zealand: Preliminary Results, David MCNAMARA, Daniel FAULKNER ] (120) Geothermal `Chance for Success` Study in Upper Permian and Triassic Carbonate Reservoirs, Edina BARTAKOVICS, Imre SZILÁGYI (121) Assessment of the Olkaria Geothermal Reservoir Using Hydrothermal Alteration Mineralogy; Case Study-Olkaria Domes Geothermal Field, Irene RONOH 10:15 am BREAK 10:45 am Sesión 10(B): MODELING 6 (122) A Damage Mechanics Approach to Modeling Permeability Enhancement in Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical Simulations, Justin POGACNIK, Mike O’SULLIVAN, John O’SULLIVAN (123) An Updated Computer Model of Rotorua Geothermal Field, Thomas RATOUIS, Michael O`SULLIVAN, John O`SULLIVAN 10:45 am Sesión 10(C): EMERGING TECHNOLOGY 1 (124) Harnessing Deep Geothermal Heat Using a New Concept Based on the Geyser Principle, Claus HELLER, Catalin TEODORIU, Gioia FALCONE (125) Assessment of Key Research Findings for the Use of CO2 as a Working Fluid For Geothermal Energy Production, Susan CARROLL, Greg STILLMAN (126) Characteristics of Geothermal Reservoirs in Oceanic Rift Zones, John ORCUTT, Jim SHNELL (127) Metal Organic Heat Carrier Nanofluids for Geothermal Systems, Satish K. NUNE, Peter B. MCGRAIL, J.J. JENKS, P. Faul MARTIN, P.K. THALLAPALLY, L.X. DANG 10:45 am Sesión 10(D): DIRECT USE (128) Enhancement of Heat Exchange Capacity of Ground Heat Exchangers by Injecting Water Into Wells, Yohei INOUE, Ryuichi ITOI, Naokatsu CHOU, Hiroaki OKUBO, Hikari FUJII (129) Supply Characterization of Geothermal District Heating and Cooling Applications in United States, Xiaoning HE and Brian ANDERSON (130) Closed Loop Heat Extraction from Deep Single Wells, Ryan LAW, David BRIDGLAND, Duncan NICHOLSON (131) Design of Sustainable Community using Abandoned Mine and Geothermal Resources, Yu KOIZUMI and Masami NAKAGAWA 12:30 pm LUNCH 01:30 pm Sesión 11(C): EMERGING TECHNOLOGY 2 (132) Tomographic Fracture Imaging (TFI): Direct 5D Mapping of Transmissive Fracture/fault Fairways Using Seismic Emission Tomography (SET), Peter GEISER, Peter LEARY (133) Total Heat Energy Output from, Thermal Energy Contributions to, and Reservoir Development of Conventional, Hydrofractured, and CO2 Plume Geothermal (CPG) Systems., Jimmy B RANDOLPH, Nagasree GARAPATI, Martin O SAAR (134) Bayesian Data Fusion for Geothermal Exploration, Simon O’CALLAGHAN, Alistair REID, Lachlan McCALMAN, Olena VELYCHKO, Simon CARTER, Lars KRIEGER, Michelle SALMON, Graeme BEARDSMORE, Edwin BONILLA, Malcolm SAMBRIDGE, Tim RAWLING, Fabio RAMOS 01:30 pm Sesión 11(D): GEOPHYSICS 5 (135) Induced Seismicity Associated with Reinjection at Hellisheidi Geothermal Power Plant, SW Iceland, Sigridur KRISTJANSDOTTIR and Kristjan AGUSTSSON (136) Building Subsurface Velocity Models with Sharp Interfaces and Steeply-Dipping Fault Zones Using Elastic-Waveform Inversion with Edge-Guided Regularization, Youzuo LIN and Lianjie HUANG (137) Geophysics Pitfalls and Strategies in Geothermal Reservoir Characterization, William CUMMING 03:15 pm BREAK 03:45 pm Sesión 12(B): PRODUCTION (138) Reassessment of Balanced and Sustainable Thermal Output Potential and Reserves Base for Stratified Low Enthalpy Geothermal System of Bešeòová Elevation, Northern Slovakia, Branislav FRICOVSKY, Michal BARTKO, Ladislav TOMETZ, Marián FENDEK (139) H2S Abatement and pH Modification Techniques for Scaling Inhibition at Hellisheiði Geothermal Power Plant, Iceland, Michael L. KELLER, Einar J. ÁSBJÖRNSSON, Thráinn FRIDRIKSSON, William S. HARVEY (140) Coupled Reservoir, Wellbore, and Surface Plant Simulations for Enhanced Geothermal Systems, Manish NANDANWAR and Brian ANDERSON (141) The Principle of Density Differences Drive Geothermal Water to Move and the Short Range Recharge Model of Geothermal Water in Hilly Area, GAO Zongjun, LIU Yonggui, GAO Yuan 03:45 pm Sesión 12(C): EMERGING TECHNOLOGY 3 (142) Kymera Hybrid Bit Technology Reduces Drilling Costs, William RICKARD, Alan BAILEY, Mark PAHLER, Fred WILSON (143) Feasibility Study of Casing While Drilling Application on Geothermal Drilling Operation, Bonar MARBUN, Widiyanto WIDIYANTO (144) Bit Performance Evaluation in Geothermal Wells Drilling, Bonar MARBUN, Devi ANGGARA 03:45 pm Sesión 12(D): GENERAL 5 (145) Revisiting the Assessment of Geothermal Resources, Colin F. WILLIAMS, Jacob DEANGELO, and Marshall J. REED (146) Geologic Provenance of Rare Earth Elements in the United States, and Their Potential Collocation with Geothermal Resources, Brittany SEGNERI, Timothy REINHARDT, Jodi DEPRIZIO (147) Successful Discovery Drilling in Roseau Valley, Commonwealth of Dominica, William RICKARD, Will OSBORN, Jonathan HERNANDEZ (148) Some Investigations on Decline in Dora-1 Brine Flow Rate, Case Study: AS-1 Production Well, Murat KARADAS, Umran SERPEN 12:00 am Sesión 13: Publication Only (149) The Unique Challenges of Geothermal Exploration in Papua New Guinea – An Overview, Conrad KUMUL, Philip IRARUE, Nathan MOSUSU (150) The Significance of Natural Circulations in EGS Fractures, George DANKO, Davood BAHRAMI (151) Estimation of Scale Formed in a Water Dominated Geothermal Well, Nenny Miryani SAPTADJI, Dimas TAHA (152) Modeling of CO2 Injection in North Stavropol Underground Gas Storage Reservoir (Russia), Svetlana PEREVERZEVA, Alexey KIRYUKHIN (153) Barite Scale Control at the Soultz-sous-Forêts (France) EGS Site, Julia SCHEIBER, Andrea SEIBT, Johannes BIRNER, Albert GENTER, Wilfried MOECKES (154) Prospects for Large-scale Use of Geothermal Energy In the Republic of Dagestan, Rasul ALIYEV, Victor VASILYEV, Gasan BADAVOV, Adolf CHERNIAVSKYI (155) Optimization of Reservoir Simulation using Hybrid Kalman Filter, As’adul MURTADLO (156) Exergy and Economic Analysis Method of Effectiveness of Geothermal Heat Supply Systems, Volodymyr BUGAI (157) Aerated Underbalance Drilling Screening Assessment at a Geothermal Field in Indonesia, Ariya PRIYONO (158) Evaluation of the Geothermal Energy Potential in the Medium-Enthalpy Reservoir Guardia dei Lombardi, Italy, Anozie EBIGBO, Jan NIEDERAU, Gabriele MARQUART, Barbara INVERSI, Davide SCROCCA, Gianluca GOLA, Juliane ARNOLD, Giordano MONTEGROSSI, Christian VOGT, Renate PECHNIG (159) Some Insights Gained From Tracer Tests Conducted in the Upper Rhine Rift Valley, Horst BEHRENS, Julia GHERGUT, Martin SAUTER (160) Using Tracer Reactivity to Improve the Sensitivity of Single-Well Tracer-Test Signals Against Fluid Transport Parameters, Julia GHERGUT, Horst BEHRENS, Martin SAUTER (161) Ground Source Heat Pumps for Wine Industry. A case study., Davide MARITAN (162) Using the Mixtures of Saturated Hydrocarbons with Fluorinated Esters in the Supercritical Cycles Binary Power Plants, Andriy REDKO, Alexander REDKO, Sergiy PAVLOVSKIY, Nataliia KULIKOVA (163) Geochemical Characteristics of Geothermal Hot Water Resources on Territory of Vietnam, DOAN Van Tuyen, TRAN Anh Vu, NGUYEN Thi Kim Thuong (164) Gaseous vs Aqueous Fluids: Travale (Italy) Case Study Using EM Geothermometry, Viacheslav SPICHAK and Olga ZAKHAROVA 12:00 am Sesión 14: Currently Unallocated (165) Application of Integrated Multicomponent Geothermometry at the Chachimbiro Thermal Area, a Difficult Geothermal Prospection Case, Fabrizio GHERARDI, Nicolas SPYCHER (166) Fracture Permeability Assessment in Deeply Buried Carbonates and Implications for Enhanced Geothermal Systems: Inferences from a Detailed Well Study at Luttelgeest-01, the Netherlands, Katrien VAN OVERSTEEG, Lindsay LIPSEY, Maarten PLUYMAEKERS, Jan Diederik VAN WEES, Peter FOKKER and Chris SPIERS (167) Numerical Modeling of Meothermal Systems, Cedrick COPOL, Jacques LAMINIE, Simon LOPEZ (168) Poroelastic Response to Thermal Stimulation Efforts at Raft River Based on Analytical and Numerical Modeling, Mitch PLUMMER, Carl PALMER, Hai HUANG, Rob PODGORNEY, Jack NORBECK, Jacob BRADFORD (169) Physics-based Modeling of Permeability Evolution of Fractures and Fracture Networks Subject to Thermal Cooling and Fluid Pressure Changes, Hai HUANG, Mitch PLUMMER and Robert PODGORNEY (170) Decline Curve Analysis for Double Porosity Reservoirs With Fractal Fracture Network, Alex VALDES-PEREZ, Heber CINCO-LEY, Leif LARSEN, Hector PULIDO-BELLO, Fernando SAMANIEGO (171) Formation Damage and Fines Migration in Geothermal Reservoirs (Modelling and Field Case Study), Zhenjiang YOU, Pavel BEDRIKOVETSKY, Alexander BADALYAN, Martin HAND, Chris MATTHEWS (172) Analysis of Stimulated Volume Resulting From Fluid Injection into a Fracture Rock Mass, Alexander VERDE, and Ahmad GHASSEMI (173) Injection Evaluation on Vapor Dominated Geothermal System Based on Dynamic Modeling, Aryo RAHARDIANTO, SUTOPO (174) Methodological Approach to Quantify and Appraise Conceptual Geothermal Reservoir Models at Early Prefeasibility or Feasibility Stages, Michel H. GARCIA, Deborah SIFFERT (175) Applicability of GEOFRAC to Model a Geothermal Reservoir: a Case Study, Alessandra VECCHIARELLI, Egill JULIUSSON, Herbert H. EINSTEIN (176) A Conceptual 100% Clean Energy Generation System of Wind Tunnel Turbine and Heat Pumps, Yee-Chang FENG (177) Analysis of Power System Transient Stability Due To Increased Integration of Geothermal Power, Joel SUTTER (178) Hydrogeological, Hydrogeochemical and Isotope Geochemical Features of the Thermal Waters in Simav and Environs, Turkey, Olayinka Abiodun BELLO, Nevzat OZGUR, CALISKAN Tugba Arife (179) Energy Optimization Modeling of Geothermal Power Plant (Case Study: Darajat Geothermal Field Unit III), Rizal SINAGA (180) Multi-Fluid Geothermal Energy Systems in Stratigraphic Reservoirs: Using Brine, N2, and CO2 for Dispatchable Renewable Power Generation and Bulk Energy Storage, Thomas A. BUSCHECK, Jeffrey M. BIELICKI, Jimmy B. RANDOLPH, Mingjie CHEN, Yue HAO, Thomas A. EDMUNDS, Yunwei, SUN (181) Sustainability of Fractures in EGS Systems – A Laboratory Investigation, Timothy J. KNEAFSEY, Seiji NAKAGAWA, Patrick F. DOBSON, B. Mack KENNEDY (182) A Heat Extraction Prediction for Multiple Fractures in a Closed-loop Circulation Enhanced Geothermal System, Bisheng WU, Andrew P. BUNGER, Xi ZHANG, Robert G. JEFFREY and Cameron HUDDLESTONE-HOLMES (183) Analysis of Wellbore Heat Transfer in Enhanced Geothermal System using CFD Modeling, HUANG Xiaoxue (184) The Effect of Temperature and pH on the Formation of Silica Scaling at Dieng Geothermal Field, Indonesia, Winahyu Setyo UTAMI, Niniek Rina HERDIANITA, Randy Wijaya ATMAJA (185) Reserch of Resevoir Reinjection Technology and Demonstration in Neogene Porous Guantao Group Reservoir in Binhai New Area, Tianjin, LIN Li, RUAN Chuanxia, WANG Yingping, ZHOU Xun, SUN Yixuan (186) Reservoirs and Reinjection of the Thermal Waters of Kızıldere, Western Anatolia, Turkey, Nevzat OZGUR, CALISKAN Tugba (187) Research on Hot-dry-rock Geothermal Resource Potential in Songliao Basin of China, SHI Shangming, ZHU Huanlai, LOU Hong, WU Xiaoxiong (188) Application of OpenFOAM to the Solution of Selected Problems in Hydrogeology, Larus THORVALDSSON, Halldor PALSSON (189) Evaluation of Heat Flow Anomalies and Hydrocarbon Accumulation, Muhammad Aslam MD YUSOF, Wan Ismail WAN YUSOF, Siti Amalina IBRAHIM SHAH (190) Structural Analysis of the Casing in the IDDP-1 Well in Iceland, Gunnar Skúlason KALDAL, Magnus Þ. JONSSON, Halldór PALSSON, Sigrún Nanna KARLSDOTTIR ] (191) The Isotopic and Chemical Characteristics of Geothermal Fluids from the Northernmost Reservoir of Dieng Geothermal Field, Riostantieka Mayandari SHOEDARTO (192) Deep Geothermal Reservoir Temperatures in the Eastern Snake River Plain, Idaho using Multicomponent Geothermometry, Ghanashyam NEUPANE, Earl D. MATTSON, Travis L. MCLING, Carl D. PALMER, Robert W. SMITH, Thomas R. WOOD (193) Lognormality, δκ ~ κ δφ, EGS, and All That, Peter LEARY, Peter MALIN, Justin POGACNIK, John RUGIS, Brice VALLES, Peter GEISER |